Monday, July 2, 2012

The consultation

I admit I am not expert when it comes to physical activity.   There are a few things I know:

  • Physical activity helps keep your body healthy (in so many ways)
  • Varying types of activity keeps your body challenged and minimizes plateaus
  • I like taking classes like Hip Hop Hustle and Zumba
  • If I can't make a class, I like to ride the stationary bikes in the Fitness Center in the Y.
  • I hate the dreadmill.

Now, that we have been Y members for 3 months, I see that I am doing a lot of the same things and that I have been on a plateau.  I have been doing activities that make me comfortable.  The opinion of a professional was needed, so I met with a personal trainer for a consultation.  The Y offers these for free.  When I belonged to fitness centers in the past, I have had these consultations.  They are very helpful and intended to help orient you with the facility.

The trainer I met with was fairly easy going.  Not a drill sargent or Jillian Michaels.  She listened to me and showed me equipment and exercises that she thought would be a good fit for my personality and fitness goals.  She took into account, what I know about my body.  I develop muscle faster than I lose fat.  My legs bulk up fast.  I want to tone up on top and strengthen my core. 

I went to the Y tonight and did the routine we set up.  It was able to complete the upper body and core training in a half hour.  I did a 15 minute cardio warm-up on the rowing machine (I feel totally B.A. on the rowing machine) and dove into my strength training routine.   I worked on my triceps, upper back, chest, biceps, and shoulders.  I did two ab exercises (well four, because biceps and shoulders are on the ball).  I missed out on my hip and thigh exercises.  I am forgoing too much lower body strength training, because my legs and butt do bulk up fast.

In a month, I will meet again with the trainer to see how my program is going.  We can and will make adjustments from there.

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