Thursday, September 20, 2012

3 milestone/6 weeks

Tonight, I hit another milestone.  That is 3 big milestones in 6 weeks.  6 weeks ago, I hit 20%/20 pounds.  A few weeks ago I hit 25 pounds.  This week I am down 30.8 pounds.  I had to have my leader repeat my loss to me twice.  I could not believe that I lost over three pounds this week.  I know I worked hard, but was unsure of how that would show on the scale as my diet has been iffy.

Last week, I logged a lot of miles on the cardio equipment at the gym and with my dog.  I also have been ramping up my strength training.  Pinterest has been a great source of exercise inspiration.  I have found different exercises to do at the gym to minimize the monotony. 

The great thing about WW meetings is that you get to hear and see the trials, tribulations, and success of other members.  Every week there is opportunity to ask questions and gain solution and insight to any issues you are having.  Every week, we celebrate loss.  This week there was a member who became lifetime after losing 93 pounds.  Another member was celebrating 90 pounds of loss too.  As I was leaving, a lady sitting near me said, "Congratulations on your loss.  30 pounds.  Wow!"  I replied with, "15 is a big deal too.  How amazing that must feel."  I love going to meetings and seeing how I inspire others and how I get inspiration from others.

1 comment:

  1. I think I'm hearing a future WW leader! You are inspiring! Congrats!
