Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Over due update

I hope you all are doing well.  I have been super busy and have not had time to update :(  Please, accept my apology, because I have a darn good reason...my oldest daughter was the flower girl in a wedding.  It was such a good experience for both of us.  She can pull off the girly thing quite well.  She loved being a princess until the time of the reception.  Then she wanted to play hard.  Antoher good reason for me to be at the top of my game health wise.

Here is the update of where I am with my goals:
Work out 6 days:  I got back on plan and completed this goal.
Plan Menu: Check
Track: I tracked all but two meals.  That gives me a 94.3% success rate!  I will consider this goal met. 
Since the week end was busy with wedding stuff, I didn't focus much on my healthy lifestyle.  I didn't sabotage myself either.  The scale this morning told me I did good :).  At the wedding I had sensible portions.  I had a mini cupcake.   Oh, and a glass of homemade wine.  Yum.  Homemade Wine.

I didn't set any goals on Friday.  So, my goals this week will start Wednesday and go to Tuesday. 

I will schedule my exercise for the week.
I will complete 6 exercise sessions this week.
I will track my food the week. 
I will track my water intake everyday for the week.

My challenge for the rest of the month is going to be with meal planning.  Our budget is tight with birthdays, weddings, and back to school, so we are trying to cut corners where we can.  That means being more creative with what is in our pantry and freezer.

What is one of your  mini goals?

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